

The Database sub-module is designed to incorporate all the results you can obtain from Earthquake location and Moment Tensor Inversion. It is possible to make queries to the data base, for example searching earthquake locations by a geographic frame or in a specific time spam. Moreover you can plot the results of your query in a map. With double click in a row of the table you can add a Focal mechanism detailed to the map and with right click just over one row of the table you can remove events.

In the toolbar you will find two options, the first one “Read hyp folder load” will generate a database from all *.hyp that you had placed in the folder. The other option “Read last location” will load (last.hyp, from earthquake analysis), (log.txt, from Moment Tensor Inversion), (mechanism.out, from Earthquake analysis) and (magnitudes.out, from Earthquake analysis) and will fed the database with all of the information extracted.

Fig. 1 shows  a Data Base example. To plot fashion maps you can add a WMS and the layer you want to plot. I suggest go to this web site to find nice WMS/layers:
