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Processor and OS

Linux OS and Mac computers with Intel processors can now run surQuake thanks to testing and programming.

Additionally, Rosetta allows Mac machines with Apple chips to run applications meant for Mac systems with Intel processors. If this is your case, please install Rosseta before proceed with surfQuake intallation

The user can select whether to install only the surfQuake core or the GUI (which also includes the core).

  • Automatic installation: This is only available in surfQuake GUI and requires a previous installation of Anaconda.

  • Manual Installation: In both circumstances (GUI & Core), SurfQuake must be manually installed from the pip repository after creating an environment (anaconda env or pip env).

Installing the GUI

Automatic Installation:

This process will create atomatically an anaconda environment and then will install surfquake.

Open a terminal and type:

>> (base) git clone
>> (base) cd SurfQuake/install
>> (base) chmod u+x
>> (base) ./

After this process, if everything is ok and the alias has been correctly included in your path system, just type in your terminal

>> surfquake
if you have problems because surfquake is not properly recognized by your system path, go to the root path where you have saved surfquake,

>> (base) cd SurfQuake
>> (base) conda activate surfquake
>> (surfquake) python

Remenber that installing surfquake GUI also includes the core Library and the Command Line interface. That's means that now you have access to the commands

>> (surfquake) surfquake -h

and you can make python scripts calling classes and methods from surfquake core.

Manual Installation:

Create an environment

>> (base) conda create -n surfquake python=3.9
>> (base) conda activate surfquake

Warning, if you are using anaconda, normally is automatically activated the base environment in your terminal. So first of all deactivate it!

>> (base) conda deactivate
>> pip install virtualenv
>> python<version> -m venv surfquake
>> source surfquake/bin/activate # activate your environment

Execute the Installation

Now, you can proceed with the installation of the full surfQuake program:

>> (surfquake) cd SurfQuake
>> (surfquake) pip install -r requirements.txt

to start the program

>> (surfquake) cd SurfQuake
>> (surfquake) python

Installing the core

Create an environment

Anaconda env

>> conda create -n surfquake python=3.9 # surfQuake for 3.9 <= Python <= 3.11
>> conda activate surfquake

pip env

Warning, if you are using anaconda, normally is automatically activated the base environment in your terminal. So first of all deactivate it!

>> (base) conda deactivate

To prevent dependencies from becoming incompatible, please make sure that the version of Python you have installed on your system is greater than 3.9 and less than 3.12. Simply follow these steps to view your Python version:

>> python
Python 3.11.4 (main, Jul  5 2023, 09:00:44) [Clang 14.0.6 ] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information
>> pip install virtualenv # install in your python the virtualenv package (just in case)
>> python3 -m venv ./surfquake # python<version> -m <virtual-environment-name> <venv_location> 
>> source surfquake/bin/activate #s ource <venv_location>

Install the core package

You can install surfQuake core after creating your virtual environment (using either Anaconda env or Pip env). After activate your environment,

>> (surfquake) pip install surfquake